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Types of Chronic Diseases

Hypertension (high blood pressure) Fifty-eight percent of people are treated for hypertension – a common condition that involves both how much blood your heart pumps, as well as how resistant your arteries are to the blood flow. When your heart pumps a lot of blood and you have narrow arteries which resist the flow, that’s […]
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cervical cancer patient listening to nurse talking

Cervical Cancer

Table of Content What is Cervical Cancer Causes of Cervical Cancer Risk Factors of Cervical Cancer Symptoms of Cervical Cancer Cervical Cancer Diagnosis Types of Cervical Cancer Stages of Cervical Cancer Prevention of Cervical Cancer Treatments for Cervical Cancer Hello again! Sasa here, your Health Assistant from Treat at Home. The second most common type among […]
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doctor explaining about prostate to aged male patient

Prostate Cancer

Table of Content What is Prostate Cancer Causes of Prostate Cancer Risk Factors Symptoms of Prostate Cancer Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Prevention of Prostate Cancer Treatments for Prostate Cancer Hey there! This is Sasa, your Health Assistant from Treat at Home. More than 47,500 men are diagnosed with Prostate Cancer every year – that’s 129 men every day. Mostly […]
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male cancer patient with wife listening to doctor and nurse

Cancer – Overview, Causes, Types and Management

Hello again! This is Sasa, your Health Assistant from Treat at Home. In this article, let’s get to know about the second leading cause of death worldwide, Cancer. It is an incurable disease which affects people irrespective of their age, sex, ethnics and nationality. Cancer has been the most dangerous word for the last two to three decades. Many […]
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