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chronic disease

Chronic diseases and prevention

Chronic diseases are defined generally as conditions that last one year or more and require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living or both. Among the most common chronic diseases are chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, certain cancers, and some types of liver disease. While some chronic diseases cannot be reversed, many are prevented entirely by modifying certain lifestyle habits. 

Chronic disease encompasses many aspects of care including access, delivery, prevention, and quality of life.

People with chronic medical conditions are at higher risk of depression

chronic disease

The same factors that increase the risk of depression in otherwise healthy people also raise the risk in people with other medical diseases, particularly if those illnesses are chronic (long-lasting or persistent). These risk factors include a personal or family history of depression or relations who have suicidal tendencies. 

However, some risk factors for depression are directly related to having another illness. For example, conditions such as Parkinson’ disease and Stroke cause changes within the brain. In some cases, these changes may have a direct role in depression. Illness-related anxiety and also stress which can trigger symptoms of depression.

Depression is common among people who have chronic illnesses such as

Alzheimer’s disease

Autoimmune diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis


Coronary heart disease




Multiple sclerosis

Parkinson’s disease


Some people may experience symptoms of depression after being diagnosed with a medical illness. Those symptoms may decrease as they adjust to or treat the other condition. Certain medications used to treat the illness also can trigger depression. 

Research suggests that people who have depression and another medical illness tend to have additional severe symptoms of each illness. They will have more problems adapting to their medical condition, and they may have higher medical costs than those who do not have both depression and a medical illness. Symptoms of depression may continue even as a person’s physical health improves. 

A collaborative care approach that has mental and physical health care will improve overall health. Research has shown that treating depression and chronic ill health can facilitate people better manage both their depression and their chronic disease.

Preventing Chronic Diseases

Around 1 in 3 adults has a chronic disease, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes. As most chronic conditions are not directly life-threatening, we have a tendency to underestimate the negative impact they have on our quality of life and life expectancy. Fortunately, it’s simple to prevent chronic diseases, as long as we adopt healthy habits. 

A healthy lifestyle is the best way to prevent chronic diseases. Healthy lifestyle habits are the first issue a doctor can advise you to adopt if you’re diagnosed with a chronic condition. Since prevention is usually higher than cure, get a head-start on reducing your risks. We tend to share tips about the way to stop chronic diseases, thus you keep healthy and well.

Healthy habits to Avoid Chronic Diseases

Eat a Healthy Diet

chronic disease

Most people probably shudder at the word “diet” however eating healthily doesn’t mean giving up on all our treats. The keyword is “moderation”. 

On most days, we should always adopt a diet that comes with whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables and lean meats. Be aware of appropriate portion sizes as well, to make sure you’re not over-eating. 

It’s not possible to convey up on snacks or food entirely, and we’re not asking you to do so. Indulging in treats once in a while is fine. For example, a pack of chips once a week while watching your favorite serial is fine, but not if you’re doing this every day. 

Keep Physically Active

chronic disease

Regular exercise is essential in preventing and managing chronic diseases. Studies show that 150 minutes of moderate physical activity every week has several health benefits, together with keeping your heart strong. You’ll recognize if you’re exerting yourself hard enough if you’re able to speak but not sing the words of your favorite song! 

Begin with,

Brisk-walking or jogging outside

Exercising with a good friend for extra motivation, or 

Standing up every 1 hour at your table to do some stretches 

Another advantage of exercise: it may be a mood booster if you’re feeling down. Physical activity triggers endorphins in your brain that also are known as the happy chemical. Exercise may be a good way to relieve stress, leaving you happier and feeling lighter for the rest of the day.

Go for Routine Health Screening

chronic disease

Although we have a tendency to feel perfectly well physically, chronic diseases often have symptoms that go unnoticed. Health screening detects any possible health conditions we may have early on, so we will take the appropriate actions to regulate and manage them. 

There are different types of health screening, depending on age, gender and style that we will need to go for. Treat at Home offers home-based health screenings, thus you won’t need to leave your house to visualize your health. 

With a health check-up at home, you’ll be ready to continue your high of your health standing daily. If you notice any changes in your health status, such as the next blood pressure reading, you’ll know that you simply might have to create some healthier lifestyle changes or see a doctor to visualize your health.

Get Enough Quality Sleep 

Studies have joined insufficient sleep with the onset of chronic diseases. This is often as a result of quality sleep plays a vital role in controlling several of our body functions, together with dominating our craving and metabolic rate, influencing our mood and stress levels, and impacting our glucose levels.

Try incorporating these sleep hygiene tips for a stronger snooze at night: 

Build a pre-sleep routine, including fixed times to sleep and rise daily 

Avoid caffeine closer to the night

Place away electronics one hour before bedtime 

So, What’s the Summary?

For those looking for a fast fix, we’ll have to disappoint you. Adopting a long term healthy life-style could be the only way to prevent chronic diseases. We all know it’s going to be tough to alter habits all at once, so we can start with the easiest first. Remember, each one of the  healthy changes is a step towards the proper direction!

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